Helping You Become

A Happy Mom with a Strong Sense of Self

So you can ditch mom guilt, have excitement for your life, feel valued for what you do, and enjoy the satisfying relationships you crave


Feel Great About Who You Are & Learn How to Enjoy Motherhood

Like you have a strong sense of self & loving yourself comes naturally

Like you’re connected, confident, & happy in your marriage & your motherhood

And I’ve got lots of resources to help you do this

Hey there! I’m Dr. Amber A. Price

As a mom of 4 kids, you better believe I know the demands that can weigh on moms all day every day. Someone always needs something, that to-do list is long, and it’s easy to feel exhausted and burned out. And sometimes the things on that to-do list just don’t bring the sense of purpose you crave. I also know that while your marriage matters, it’s easy to let the spark dwindle and the connection wane.

With a PhD in Marriage, Family, and Human Development and an emphasis on strengthening your sense of self in your relationships, I’m excited to help you thrive in your life, your marriage, and your motherhood.

You’re in the right place if…

How to Stop Feeling Mom Guilt

You’re Sick of Mom Guilt

Mom guilt doesn’t have to be a thing. What if you felt GREAT about taking time to work on a project you love or trying something new? What if you said yes to letting others help around the house or take care of the kids?

Overcoming Relationship Issues in Marriage

You Want a Better Marriage

It’s no secret that marriage can be hard and relationship issues happen. But you can have a connective & fulfilling marriage filled with great communication, fun, and genuine intimacy.

How to Love Myself as a Mom

You Want to Matter Too

You love taking care of your family (most of the time) and really want to improve those relationships…but you also want time to develop YOU! You can have both as we strengthen your sense of self!

That’s why I am here!

(Not only is this possible, it’s great for both your relationships and your happiness!)

Great Ways to Work with Me:

Authenticity Course

Self-Guided Courses

(A great way to learn!)
Want to work on yourself & your relationships from the comfort of your own home & at your own pace? These courses are just perfect for you! Dive all in or choose a mini course!

Free Resources

(Get a feel for all this!)
Just want to get your feet wet & find out what in the world I’m talking about here? Check out these free resources now & start learning and progressing today!

How to Feel Like Yourself as a Mom
Download a free audio course


Learn how to take time for yourself while you take care of your family AND why it really matters that you do!