4 Free Gifts for Moms:


How to Overcome Mom Burnout


How to Feel Like Yourself as a Mom


How to Stop Self-Silencing


How to Like Yourself

Mom Burnout Doesn’t Have to Be a Thing

(& being a mom doesn’t have to suck the life out of YOU)

These 3 guides & free audio course will help you:

  • Take 3 simple steps toward feeling like yourself again
  • Balance mom life with time for yourself without feeling guilty
  • Feel good speaking up for what you want & need
  • Like yourself in ways that last
Finding Time for Yourself As a Mom

Hey there! I’m Dr. Amber A. Price

I’m ready to help you ditch your insecurities, say goodbye to mom burnout, and embrace your true self…in between changing the laundry and helping with homework.

I’ve been that mom who’s overwhelmed by everything on her to-do list but bored with it all at the same time. Like sure, there’s always laundry to be done or permission slips to sign, but sometimes I wanted to do things that felt a little less mundane and a little more fulfilling.

I can’t get rid of your piles of laundry (I’m not magic darn it!) but I CAN help you find real, doable ways to feel good about carving out space for yourself even in the midst of your relationships.

And that feels GREAT! (I know because I’ve tried it.)